> Promoting a short term training addressed to the partners of the project with the objective of promoting the exchange of ideas and sharing knowledge for the consolidation of the Syllabus (curricular unit).
University of Hacettepe, Turkey – 20th – 24th September 2021

Hacettepe University develop a training aiming at: (1) discuss and review the results of reports on the status of participatory assessment in the five countries of the partnership, prepared by the partners on stakeholder involvement in assessment in humanitarian action; (2) discuss the tools for distance learning of the curricular unit to be developed by the project; (3) reflect on the structure of the Handbook that will be written by the project team and (4) share ideas about the contents of the Participatory Assessment in Humanitarian Action course unit that will be developed jointly within the scope of the project.
> Holding Intensive Study Programms
University of Hacettepe, Turkey – 12th – 16th December 2022

Through this activity, it was intended that students, teachers and professionals from NGOs work together in the development of the curricular unit in participatory evaluation, to be taught in the partner Universities of the project. For this training, participatory methodologies were used, namely round tables on different themes of humanitarian action and on participatory evaluation, debates, workshops with NGOs and field visits were also promoted.
Iscte, Portugal – 13th – 17th November 2023

In this activity, the project gathered the partners, students, teachers, NGO practitioners and social work specialists. The objective was to address the topics of InovHumRe project, namely, the participatory evaluation, the co-design strategies, the crises and challenges to emergency intervention and integration of migrants. This was a need felt with the approaching of the closure of the project, allowing the consolidation of the knowledge acquired and created a learning environment were all parts involved benefited from the sharing of information, active discussions and participatory methodologies. The event was structured with plenary sessions and workshops were students and teachers participated, changed experiences and knowledge.
The participants were: students of the second cycle’s degrees who attended the Pilot from Portugal and Spain; the curricular unit teachers and NGO’s professionals directly involved in the project
> Development of Dissemination Events in Portugal, Spain and Turkey
Fundación Magtel, Spain – 20th of September 2023

The event aimed at presenting the project to the wider community, the results achieved so far and create a space for debate and discussion on the project thematic. The event counted with interventions from the project partners, the Spanish NGO “Asociación Diversidades” and a roundtable for debate. The audience was vast and counted with professionals, stakeholders, teachers, investigators and students
SHUDER, Turkey – 20th of October and 27th of November 2023
The partner SHUDER, based in Ankara, held two multiplier events, on October 20th and November 23rd. Students from social service, teachers and NGO workers participated in the events. The sessions were structured around the following topics: (1) Presentation of the InovHumRe project, (2) Participatory evaluation, (3) Comparison between traditional evaluation and participatory evaluation and (4) What are the implementation phases in participatory evaluation. At the events there was also space for questions and answers from participants, as well as the presentation of practical cases.

IMVF, Portugal – 27th October 2023

The workshop, hosted by Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF), aimed at presenting the project InovHumRe and deliverables produced so far. In this event participated NGOs and humanitarian action practitioners. The project was presented by the project Coordinator, Paulo Pedroso. Patrícia Fonseca, representant from the NGDOs platform also gave her contribution about the importance of participatory evaluation in humanitarian action projects. Carolina Quina, from IMVF also talked about an humanitarian action project, conducted by IMVF, reflecting on the importance of participatory evaluation within the project.
> Development of four transnational management meetings

> InovHumRe Final Conference

The final conference of the InovHumRe project took place at Iscte, on the 16th november 2023. This Conference was the culmination of 3 years of work, where important tools were created for work in humanitarian action, namely a curricular unit on Participatory Assessment, a Handbook with theoretical contents and practical cases, as well as pedagogical videos, to support teaching in participatory evaluation.
At this conference, the main results were presented to a wide audience made up of students, teachers, researchers, NGOs and civil society.
There was an audience of around 80 national and foreign people. Also present were the presidents of the three main social service organizations: International Association of Schools of Social Work; International Council on Social Welfare and International Federation of Social Workers
Watch the Final Conference video here