> Outlook report

Report elaborated from the collection of the information from each of the contexts from the partners, containing the information about the state of the art, the methodologies and good practices in what concerns the evaluation in the area of humanitarian action
> Syllabus (curricular unit), developed through the Outlook report and with the inputs from all, seeking to address the needs identified in evolution in humanitarian action teaching

> Drawing the e-learning tools, to support the teaching in participatory evaluation in humanitarian action
> The Handbook, contains the evaluation methodologies in humanitarian action and that will serve as a guide on how to plan and conduct a participatory evaluation in humanitarian action
> Lisbon Declaration for the “Development of Social Work and Humanitarian Action in the 21st century”
Signed on 16th November 2023, in Lisbon, within the activities of the Final Conference of the Project, by InovHumRe consortium and the three presidents from the main international organizations of social work: International Association of Schools of Social Work, International Council on Social Welfare and International Federation of Social Workers