About InovHumRe – Innovation in Humanitarian Response
Europe is the world’s largest provider of development aid and humanitarian action (HA) and is now also hosting a large numbers of refugees. Existing AH training provision at European and international level is insufficiently focused on ground analysis and is not satisfactorily informed in innovative teaching, learning and research methodologies based on field practice.
Higher Education Institutions can bring particular added value to this field by offering a set of research methodologies informed by rigorous approaches.
InovHumRe is a project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme – KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education, aiming to improve the quality and effectiveness of Higher Education Institutes, improving the education of Humanitarian Action students and professionals, through the implementation, in the second cycle of social science courses, of a curricular unit for the evaluation in humanitarian action.
This curricular unit will be based on innovative methodological approaches – participatory assessment in Humanitarian Action and will feature the development of new learning tools that incorporate the contributions of partner HEIs and NGOs directly involved in the humanitarian response, thus filling skill gaps.
Assist to to the video of the project’s activities
Target Groups
- Higher Education Institutes, that will have an innovative curricular unit and will reinforce their relations with NGOs
- Students, that will benefit from an innovative methodology and an Intensive Study programme
- Teachers, that will develop and make available an innovative curricular unit, reinforcing their training skills through the application of innovative methodologies
- NGOs, that will contribute to the project results and will benefit from workers with improved professional skills
Indirect: Migrants, refugees and other HA beneficiaries that will have the support from more qualified staff

Download here the project leaflet
The project InovHumRe, will last for 30 months (31/12/2020 – 29/11/2023), is coordinated by Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon and has as partners, the following entities:
– Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr, Portugal
– Hacettepe University, Turkey
– Sened Dernegi, Turkey
– Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği (SHUDER), Turkey
– National University of Distance Learning (UNED), Spain
– Fundacíon Magtel, Spain
– Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil
– Icesi University, Colombia