

  1. Improve the quality and relevance of teaching in the subject of participatory evaluation in European HEIs, specifically in refugee integration programs
  2. Innovate in HA teaching methodologies, develop new instruments and tools both at pedagogical and substantive level, which can be replicated in different contexts
  3. Match skills with needs of training at the professional level, thus contributing to improve the effectiveness of HA in the field


To achieve its objectives, the project will begin with an identification of best practices in the evaluation of Humanitarian Action and an update of the needs in evaluation methodologies, in close collaboration between HEIs and NGOs. This phase will result in a comprehensive analysis with regard to participatory evaluation (outlook report).

In a second phase, the project will define the structure, content and methodology of the curricular unit and its modules, based on the Outlook report. The objective at this stage is to develop the Syllabus of the curricular unit.

The project will also focus on the development of all e-learning tools designed to strengthen the distance education capabilities in the area of humanitarian aid.

These tools will be disseminated among potential users beyond the project through workshops. The curricular unit will be tested in a one-semester pilot course during the lifetime of the project. It will include an Intensive Study Program, in which teachers and students will be exposed to the methodologies that will be taught in institutions that help Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Finally, the project will develop a Handbook of evaluation methodologies for HA, that will consist on a practical guide on how to plan and conduct a participative evaluation in HA.

In the end of the project, students and NGOs will be able to incorporate the evaluation of their work as a significative part of programming and managing their knowledge.