InovHumRe – Innovation In Humanitarian Response | Short Term training

Between the 20th and 24th of September, in Ankara, Turkey, the first short-term training took place at the University of Hacettepe.

The training took place in a hybrid format, with the virtual presence of the project team from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil), who were unable to travel due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

The training aimed to: (1) discuss and review the results of reports on the status of participatory assessment in the five countries of the partnership, prepared by the partners on stakeholder involvement in assessment in humanitarian action; (2) discuss the tools for distance learning of the curricular unit to be developed by the project; (3) reflect on the structure of the Handbook that will be written by the project team and (4) share ideas about the contents of the Participatory Assessment in Humanitarian Action course unit that will be developed jointly within the scope of the project.

The realization of this training was extremely important because not only, for the first time, it was possible to have face-to-face contact between the members of the partnership, but also the four outputs of the project were reviewed, with a special focus on the first, the previously prepared report and the construction from Syllabus, the following output.

Unfortunately, due to the situation of the Covid19 pandemic, it was not possible to carry out the planned field visits to entities that work with refugees. But it was possible to mitigate this effect by participating in the training of NGO representatives with this experience, who shared their work.

Thus, in this training, the results of the reports of each of the partners were reviewed, the bases and general lines for the constitution of the Syllabus were designed, all the stages of the project were reviewed, guaranteeing its full execution, as well as the main constraints that the project could face, namely due to the pandemic.

The teams were very motivated for this meeting, and the working relationships between all were strengthened!