Magtel Foundation is a non-profit organization located in the south of Spain, Community of Andalusia, in the Province of Córdoba. It was founded in 2012 with the purpose of improving knowledge about telecommunications and for the employability of vulnerable people through training actions with innovative learning methodologies.
Our team, made up of 5 people, works in contexts with high rates of unemployment and poverty. Thus, reducing unemployment rates and to enhance Professional Training is a general objective of our organization.
Our areas of specific expertise include:
– Design and development of Humanitarian Aid and International Cooperation for Development projects, carried out mainly in Peru, but also in Chefchaouen (Morocco). In total, eight projects developed from 2014 to the present.
– Management of Training through e-learning platforms.
– Design of training programs whose objective is to train collectives at risk of social exclusion, in the development of the professional profile “Installer of optical fiber reaching homes (FTTH)”.
– Design of training programs that aim to professionally qualify groups at risk of social exclusion in matters related to Renewable Energy.
– Design of innovative methodologies that favor the teaching-learning process in real-work environments related to Telecommunications and Renewable Energies.
– Innovative Learning Strategies in a digital era.
– Dissemination and communication of Training Plans
Magtel Foundation is an organization with long experience in Vocational Training, since 2012, with 4000 students trained with a total of 1,394,652 hours / students taught. We have extensive experience in the Education sector; our learning and training programs aimed at people at risk of social exclusion provide these groups with strong skills for achieving employability objectives. Our main activities are:
– Entrepreneurial Initiation Programs for young people without work experience: in the last 3 years, 90 people have participated in our own scholarship program, 53% of which have been inserted after their completion.
– Programs of Training Practices in Companies in collaboration with educational centers (87 Secondary Institutes, 23 Universities): in the last 5 years, 253 students have completed their internships.
– Program of General and Social Interest: 66 people have participated in the last 8 years, aimed at university graduates unemployed for a long time.
Adrián Fernández Cárdenas
Degree in Environmental Sciences by the University of Córdoba and Technician in Prevention of Occupational Hazards in the specialties of Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics. He is specialized in Management and Administration of Non-Profit Entities, in Quality Management as well as in Management Skills and Human Resources. He began working as total quality in services, Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention Technician in different entities. Since 2004, he has been responsible for the Training Area of the Magtel Group, leading, among other training programs, the Continuous Training of the workers of the Group companies, as well as the Vocational Training for Employment in collaboration with several public bodies (Junta de Andalucía, Government of Extremadura, Community of Madrid and Spain’s Ministry of Employment).
Rocío Ciero Reche
Degree in Social Work from the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville) and a degree in Labor Sciences from the University of Labor Sciences of Córdoba. She has worked as support staff for the Home Help Service, as well as the Seville Coordinator of the Service for Attention to Women Victims of Gender Violence (TAMV Sevilla) for the company EULEN SOCIOSANITARIOS SL. She is the International Cooperation Project Manager and the National Fund Manager for the Magtel Foundation.
Ana Roldán Álvarez
Degree in International Relations by Loyola Andalucía University and International Commerce Technician. She is interested in gender issues, international cooperation and sustainable development. She is also interested in the third sector, and now she is the new intern in charge of the European Projects promoted by the Foundation.