On the 3rd and 4th of July, the fourth meeting of InovHumRe project was held in Iscte, with the presence of international partners.
The first day took place at the Iscte hub, in Sintra, and aimed at making an update on the handbook’s composition, as well as start recording the videos and podcast. The recordings will be part of the e-learning tools and will be used as a complement for the use of the handbook, as learning tools in participatory evaluation.
The second day was dedicated to plan the multiplier events, which will be held in Portugal, Spain and Turkey, as well as to present and discuss the program of the final event, which will take place at Iscte, in November. On this day, there was also space to discuss the sustainability of the InovHumRe project and future collaborations.
The next transnational meeting will take place in September, in Spain and will be facilitated by Fundacíon Magtel.